WarmCO₂: Re-use of residual heat and CO₂
WarmCO₂ is an innovative project in the Province of Zeeland that uses residual heat and CO₂ for environmentally-friendly and sustainable greenhouse horticulture at Biopark Terneuzen. Thanks to WarmCO₂, horticulturists have cheap, environmentally friendly heat and pure CO₂. In this way they save up to 90 percent on their natural gas consumption. WarmCO₂ offers horticulturists the essential combination of reliability and financial benefits.
Leading parties such as Zeeland Seaports and Yara work together in this project. Initiator Zeeland Seaports is the port authority of the ports of Terneuzen and Vlissingen. Zeeland Seaports takes care of the construction, management and maintenance of the Zeeland port area. Fertilizer producer Yara supplies the heat and CO₂ to WarmCO₂.
Jan Albert Timmerman has supported WarmCO₂ as a company lawyer from the start.
More information: www.warmco2.nl