Legal support Student in de Zon
The Dutch university start-up Student in de Zon (SidZ), translated in English as Student in the Sun, is an initiative for and by students. Starting in Delft and in collaboration with the student housing provider DUWO, SidZ has the ambition to connect students, (former) housemates and homeowners to install solar panels on the roof of the homeowner. The students, with the help of the (former) housemates, finance the solar panels and the income from those panels is also for them. SidZ makes all this possible and facilitates students who want to generate their own solar power with solar panels. In 2022, SidZ started a number of pilots in Delft. The ambition is to allow students (and the owners of houses where they live) to participate in the energy transition in this way as well in other student cities.
RenewabLAW guides and advises SidZ in setting up their model and the creation of the necessary (legal) documents.
More info: www.sidz.nl