Haagse Aardwarmte Leyweg: Delivery of geothermal heat
Haagse Aardwarmte Leyweg (HAL) is a company founded for the (re)development and long-term management of the geothermal doublet and the associated above-ground geothermal installation at the Leyweg in The Hague. The shareholders of HAL are Hydreco Geomec, Perpetuum Energy Partners and the Energy Fund The Hague.
The project at the Leyweg aims to produce geothermal heat to increase sustainability at the inner city of The Hague southwest. Haagse Aardwarmte Leyweg is working with the municipality of The Hague, Eneco and Uniper in the planning and implementation of this project.
Jan Albert Timmerman supports HAL with this project. Support goes from involvement in supply agreements regarding heat to ensuring that property is properly documented and recorded in terms of business law.
More information on HAL: http://haagseaardwarmte.nl/
More information about geothermal energy: https://youtu.be/oFiGOHB-130